Supreme Court of Victoria genocide litigation 2024


And click here to see also the list of documents filed 2 August 2024 in the Court of Appeal in Aunty Alma’s genocide case against the State of Victoria at


1. Originating Motion filed by Plaintiff 07:03:24

2. Affidavit filed by the plaintiff 07:03:24

3. Summons ONE filed by the Plaintiff 12:03:24

4. Summons TWO filed by the Plaintiff 25:03:24– to add Alma Thorpe as Plaintiff/Intervenor

4A. Affidavit to Summons TWO affirmed 15:03:24.

5. Summons THREE for directions filed by the Plaintiff 26:03:24–

6. Order of Judicial Registrar Conidi, 4.4.24

7. Affidavit with Written Submissions 15.4.24

8. Consent of Alma Thorpe to be added as plaintiff, 16.4.24

9. Affidavit of service of Written Submissions affidavit, 17.4.24

10. Affidavit addendum to written submissions, 19.4.24

11. Signed Order of judge Melinda Richards adding defendant Attorney-General Jaclyn Symes, 22.4.24.

12a. Transcript of directions hearing  on Monday 22.4.24 Supreme Court of Victoria, Judge: Melinda Richards.

12b. Email with transcript from SCV, 29.4.24

13. Attorney-General of Victioria files Notice of appearance as second defendant, 16.5.24

14. Affidavit of Uncle Robbie Thorpe with Written Submisssions and proposed summons to also hear two other cases, 23.5.24

15. Submissions of the second defendant, Attorney- General of Victoria, 21.6.24

16. Reply of Uncle Robbie Thorpe to the Second Defendant, Attorney-General of Victoria, 5,7.24

17. Notice of a Constitutional Matter, 10.7.24 Uncle Robbie Thorpe

18. Affidavit of Service of Notice of a Constitutional Matter, Uncle Robbie Thorpe, 12.7.24

19. Summons, 13.7.24– Uncle Robbie asks Court to order Victoria to provide data on “acknowledgement”.

20. Affidavit, 13.7.24– in support of 19.

20. Affidavit of Uncle Robbie Thorpe, 12.7.24, in support of Summons, document 19 [note– not stamped till 22.7.24– long story– unaffirmed affidavit submitted for filing by mistake ]

21. Summons, 15.7.24– Uncle Robbie asks Court to order Australia’s Attorney-General Mark Dreyfus be added as third defendant.

22. Affidavit, 15.7.24– in support of adding Dreyfus as third defendant (document 21 above).

23. Affidavit, Uncle Robbie Thorpe, 17.7.24 — re proposed Palestinian genocide of Mark Regev in Magistrates Court

24. Affidavit, Uncle Robbie Thorpe, 17.7.24– re Federal Court constitutional case re Aboriginal genocide (Camp Sovereignty fire) and Attorney-General Mark Dreyfus and Judicial Registrar decision.

25.  Affidavit of Uncle Robbie Thorpe, 18.7.24– Uncle Robbie’s emails to Dreyfus showing he has notice of application to add as third defendant.


26 a.  Affidavit 1 of Uncle Robbie Thorpe with AG Dreyfus correspondence 18.7.24 plus addendum to list of cases — affirmed 22 July 2024 , filed 23.7.24

26 b.  Unaffirmed affidavit submitted for filing at 6.50am, 19.7.24, Uncle Robbie Thorpe correspondence to/from Cth AG Mark Dreyfus 18.7.24-

26.c.  Email application for leave to file affidavit 1, 3.51pm 22.7.24

26.d  Email granting leave to file, 10.43am 23.7.24


27 a.   Affidavit 2 of Uncle Robbie Thorpe, affirmed 22.7.24, filed 23.7.24

27 b .  Unaffirmed affidavit submitted for filing at 6.52am, 19.7.24, Uncle Robbie Thorpe, 19.7.24 correspondence to/from Court 17-18.7.24

27 c.  Emailed application for leave to file affidavit 2, 4.27pm 22.7.24

27 d.  Email granting leave to file, 10.43am 23.7.24


28. — not filed but emailed to judge’s chambers and defendants –Plaintiff’s Outline of Submissions, 19.7.24– also included as exhibit in affidavit below, document 34, but refused leave to file.

29. — not filed but emailed to judge’s chambers and defendants–Plaintiff’s Draft Minutes Of Order, 19.7.24– also included as exhibit in affidavit below, document 34, but refused leave to file.

32. Transcript of hearing before Judge Richards, Friday 19 July 2024

[ NOTE–32b–Email from Epiq Transcript Coordinator, Victoria, 1.57pm 22.7.24 ]

33. Orders of Judge Richards, 19.7.24

[ NOTE –33b–Email from Judge Richards chambers with Orders, 9.49 am 22.7.24]

34. — not filed but emailed to judge’s chambers and defendants– Affidavit, Uncle Robbie Thorpe, affirmed 22.7.24 re plaintiff’s correspondence to/from Court; further addendum to plaintiff’s list of authorities/cases; documentation of smoking Court 10am 19.7.24 and camp prepared for invited visit of Court, 19.7.24.– submitted for filing on 22.7.24 but rejected on 23.7.24– see Documents at A below at number 7 “rejected attempt to file affidavit affirmed 22.7.24”



List of documents submitted to Supreme Court of Victoria for filing but rejected:

A. Documents submitted for filing in Thorpe v MCV, S ECI 2024 01011, but rejected.

B. Documents submitted as “new case requests” but rejected.



A. Documents submitted for filing in Thorpe v MCV, S ECI 2024 01011 but rejected.


1. eFile ID 396097– submitted 17/03/24– SUMMONS (# 4) FOR INJUNCTION

1a.Summons for Practice Court injunction on Monday 20.3.24.pdf, submitted for filing 6.02 pm 17.3.24

1b. Affidavit re Summons injunction, Robert Thorpe, 17.3.24– unaffirmed as at 6.02pm 17.3.24 but affirmed next morning 18.3.24

1c.Screenshot of rejection note, Shane D reviewer, 5pm 18.3.24–The hearing date and time endorsed into this proposed summons has not been allocated a listing by the practice court and cannot be sealed.


2.  eFile ID 395803– submitted 11.25am 15/03/24– SUMMONS (# 2–draft) TO ADD ALMA THORPE AS PLAINTIFF/INTERVENOR

2aRejection Note–Reviewer Shane D, 4.43pm 15.3.24– need to fill in attached form and email to Listings

2b. Hearing Date Information Form supplied 15.3.24

2c– copy of completed Hearing Date Information Form [add document]

2d– copy of letter from Listings to be submitted with Summons [add document]

2e– see Summons Two 25.3.24, document 4 above in Case 01011, for successful filing following this process.


3. — eFile ID403516–  submitted 18/04/24 –SUMMONS (#10) FOR ISSUE OF EARLIER SUMMONSES (#4, #5, $6, #7, #8 and #9)

a. Summons (#10) re summons #4-#9 not issued, 10.4.24

b. screenshot summons page

c. Affidavit (#13) Part 1 of 4– in support of Summons (#10), Robert Thorpe, 10.4.24 pp 1-49

d. Affidavit (#13) Part 2 of 4–in support of Summons (#10), Robert Thorpe, 10.4.24 pp 50-98

e. Affidavit (#13) Part 3 of 4– in support of Summons (#10), Robert Thorpe 10.4.24 pp 99-146

f. Affidavit (#13) Part 4 of 4–in support of Summons (#10), Robert Thorpe 10.4.24 pp 147-187

g. Filing Note To Reviewer to Seal Summons 10, 9.30am 18.4.24

h. Reviewer’s note on filing, 3.30pm 19.4.24– There being no confirmation email from the list or chambers uploaded to redcrest with your proposed summons, the summons cannot be sealed by the registry of the court.

j. summons situation at directions hearing by judge Richards, 22.4.24– see pages 34-50 of transcript, document 12a above.


4. — eFile ID 403604–18/04/24 –SUMMONS FOR ISSUE OF SUBPOENAS

a Subpoena to Jeremi Moule for production to prothonotary, 18.4.24

2 Subpoena to Jonathan Burke for production to prothonotary, 18.4.24

c Subpoena to Joshua Puls for production to prothonotary, 18.4.24

d. reviewers note on fiing, 3.36pm 19.4.24– not applicable under the Rules

e. Further rulings and comment by judge Richards, 22.4.24– see pages 19-23 of transcript, document 12a above.


5. — eFile ID 404134 — 22/04/24 — D R A F T ORDER OF JUDGE RICHARDS, proposed by the plaintiff.

a Draft Order dated 22.4.24 of Richards J , submitted for filing 8.10am 22.4.24

b. Screen shot of new filing page re 404134

c. Email confirming electronic filing pending review

d. Email to judge Richards chambers forwarding confirmatory email (1c above) with screenshot (1b above)

e screenshot of reviewer Shane D 9.44am 22.4.24 with filing note: a proposed or draft order may be emailed to the chambers of the judge hearing the case but is not filed on redcrest or sealed by the registry of the court.

f. Email  at  9.44am 22.4.24 rejecting filing — can only be sent to judge’s chambers but not filed.


6. Rejected attempt to substitute affirmed affidavit.

4a. The resealing saga begins, 15.7.24…

4b. Application for resealing of affidavit of Uncle Robbie Thorpe. 12.7.24

4c. Affirmed affidavit of Uncle Robbie Thorpe, 12.7.24,

4d. Email from registry ok to file affidavit, 10.16am 19.7.24


7. Rejected attempt to file affidavit affirmed 22 July 2024.

7 (i)   Affidavit, Uncle Robbie Thorpe, affirmed 22.7.24 re plaintiff’s correspondence to/from Court; further addendum to plaintiff’s list of authorities/cases; documentation of smoking Court 10am 19.7.24 and camp prepared for invited visit of Court, 19.7.24.

7 (ii)  Application 3 for leave to file an affidavit, 22.7.24– re document 34.

7 (iii)  Email to listings with summons re leave to file affidavit(s), 23.7.24– incl document 34

7 (iv)  Email from Associate to Richards J, 10.43am, 23.7.24– Judge refuses leave to file document 34.

7 (v)  COURT OF APPEAL documents:

  1. New Case Request 427403, 7.50am 25.7.24– seven documents

(i) Application for leave to appeal, Form 64A 25.7.24

(ii) Order from lower court 23.7.24

(iii) Reasons from lower court 23.7.24

(iv) Draft Summary 25.7.24

(v) Draft Application Book Index 25.7.24

(vi) List of Authorities 25.7.24

(vii) Written Case 25.7.24

2. Email from court of appeal registry saying application for leave to appeal rejected because not an appealable  “determination”, 2.38pm 25.7.24

3. Email to court of appeal registry attaching an application for direction of an Appeal  Judge to accept affidavit, 3.24 Friday 26.7.24

4. Copy of the attached Application for a direction, 26.7.24

5. Copy of the Submission referred to in the Application for a direction–Criminal Code Amendment Bill 2024_02_08

6. Email confirming Appeal Judge and  file S EAPCI 2024 0080, 3.17pm 30.7.24

7. Email from Court of Appeal registry with Appeal Judge’s decision, 4.32pm Friday 2.8.24

8. Reasons for decision of Appeal Judge Stephen McLeish: Re Thorpe [2024] VSCA 172

9. New Case Request 429795, 8.12am 5.8.24– seven documents:

(i) Application for leave to appeal, Form 64A, signed 5.8.24

(ii) Order from lower court

(iii) Reasons from lower court

(iv) Draft Summary

(v) Draft Application Book Index

(vi) List of Authorities

(vii) Written Case signed 5.8.24

10. Email of Registrar’s refusal to file application for leave to appeal, 12.21pm Monday 5 August 2024

11. Request for urgent referral to Aboriginal judges, 1.28pm Monday 5.8.24




B. Documents submitted as “new case requests” but rejected.


1. eFile ID 383906– 24/01/24– Notice of Appeal– Thorpe v WIndsor

1a. Notice Of Appeal, 24.1.24, Robert Thorpe v Charles Windsor

1b. S ECI 2023 00627 Thorpe, Robert 28A.04 Refusal 15-02-2024– Ratcliff Refusal #1

1c. Referred to Judge by Prothotary Rod Ratcliff, 15.3.24

1d. Judge Jacinta Forbes, 3.4.24, Robert Thorpe v Charles Windsor aka Re Thorpe.

1e. Possibly coming soon… under consideration whether to seek leave out of time to appeal against Judge Forbes decision…


2. eFile ID 391880– 26/01/24 — Judicial Review– Thorpe v Hannan etc

2a. Originating Motion for Judicial Review 26:01:24– Robert Thorpe v Lisa Hannan, Susan Wakeling, Tim Bourke, Simon Hollingsworth, Matt Dalton, Eleanor Sim, Alyson Neilson, State of Victoria

2b. Affidavit in support 26.1.24– [add document– similar to document 2 in case 01011 above– affidavit filed 7.3.24]

2c Prothonotary Ratcliff’s direction to make Magistrates Court of Victoria the sole defendant, 01:03:24 1.14pm– Ratcliff Refusal #2


3. eFile ID 394327– 08/03/24– Re Information against Charles Windsor–omnibus case

3a. Originating Motion to determine what procedure  is to be adopted to commence proceedings in the criminal division of the Court in the matter of an information against Charles Windsor dated 20.10.23

3b. Thorpe Robert 28A.04 Refusal 8-3-2023 S ECI 2024 01043– Ratcliff Refusal # 3

3c. Referred to Judge by Prothotary Rod Ratcliff, 15.3.24

3d. Judge Jacinta Forbes, 3.4.24, Robert Thorpe v Charles Windsor aka Re Thorpe.

3e. Possibly coming soon… under consideration whether to seek leave out of time to appeal against Judge Forbes decision…


4. eFile 394708– 12/03/24–Judicial Review– Thorpe v SCV 1

4a. Originating Motion Judicial Review, Robert Thorpe v Supreme Court of Victoria, 12.3.24

4b S ECI 2024 01183 Thorpe Robert 28A.04 Refusal 15-3-2023– Ratcliff Refusal #4

4c. Referred to Judge by Prothotary Rod Ratcliff, 15.3.24

4d. Judge Jacinta Forbes, 3.4.24, Robert Thorpe v Charles Windsor aka Re Thorpe.

4e. Possibly coming soon… under consideration whether to seek leave out of time to appeal against Judge Forbes decision…


5. — eFile ID 395823– 11.59am 15/03/24–  Thorpe v SCV 2

5a. New Case 15.3.24 re judicial review of prothonotary decisions/refusals — Thorpe v SCV 2– originating motion

5b. Affidavit in support of Originating Motion Judicial Review, Thorpe v SCV 2, 15.3.24

5c. Screenshot –Reviewer Eliza C, 12.22pm 15.3.24

5d. Email at 9.25am from SRL Coordinator, SCV, 22.4.24

5e. Refusal decision by Deputy Prothonotary Warren, 22.2.24– Warren Refusal #1– or was it a Ratcliff Refusal? see 7e below

5f. Screenshot– Reviewer Shane D, 9.29am 22.4.24

5g. Possibly coming soon… under consideration whether to refer DP Warren decision to a Judge.


6. eFile ID 396086– 1.35pm 16/03/24– Re Charles Windsor genocide charges

6.(1) New Case re Windsor genocide charges–request submitted 16 March 2024 to Court– rejected by Deputy Prothotonotary 22.4.24

6.(2)  screenshot– Reviewer Shane D, 2.34pm 18.3.24

6(3)  Email at 9.25am from SRL Coordinator, SCV, 22.4.24

6.(4)  Screenshot– Reviewer Shane D, 9.30am 22.4.24

6.(5)  Refusal decision by Deputy Prothonotary Warren, 22.4.24– Warren Refusal #2– or a Ratcliff Refusal? see 7.(5) below.

6.(6)  Email to Prothonotary referring to a Judge, 3.7.24

6.(7)  Email from Judge Richards chambers, 12.7.24

6.(8)  Judgement of Judge Richards, 12.7.24 — Re Thorpe (No 2) [2024] VSC 408

also online at

6.(9)  Orders of Judge Richards, 12.7.24

6.(10) Coming soon… application for leave to appeal against decision of Judge Richards…


7. — eFile ID 396089–  6.15pm 16/03/24 — Judicial Review– Thorpe, Rob v Ratcliff, Rod–

7.(1)  New case re judicial review of prothonotary decisions/refusals –Thorpe, Rob v Ratcliff, Rod, 16.3.24

7.(2)  screenshot– Reviewer Belinda H, 9.35am 18.3.24

7.(3)  Email at 9.25am from SRL Coordinator, SCV, 22.4.24

7.(4). Refusal decision by Deputy Prothonotary Warren, 22.4.24– Warren Refusal #3– or was it Ratcliff Refusal #5?

7.(5). Screenshot of SCV file name of 5d ending– 19-04-24 (RR)– so in fact Ratcliff Refusal #5?

7.(6). Screenshot– Reviewer Shane D, 9.31am 22.4.24

7. (7) Possibly coming soon… under consideration whether to refer DP Warren decision to a Judge.


8.(1)  New Case Request –Writ– Aunty Alma and Uncle Robbie v State of Victoria — submitted for filing on Anzac Day, Thursday 25 April 2024, eFile ID 405229 —

8.(2)  One-page summary of Writ— key decisions required by the plaintiffs from Supreme Court of Victoria against State of Victoria.

8.(3) Composite of Screenshots 26 April 2024

8.(4)  Rejection email from Vic Supreme Court re 405229, 3.49pm 2.5.24

8.(5)  Email from anonymous Coordinator with attached refusal notice re 405229, 3.46pm 2.5.24

8. (6)  Thorpe Alma Robbie 28A.04 Refusal 30 April 2024– Ratcliff Refusal #6

8.(7)  Originating Motion for Judicial Review of Ratcliff Refusal #6 30.4.24– submitted 5.5.25, pending review

8.(8) . Affidavit in support of 8g. Originating Motion, Uncle Robbie Thorpe, affirmed 5.5.24

8.(9) Email to Listings, 30.5.24

8.(10) Email from Prothonotary, 3.6.24

8.(11) Email to Prothonotary, 4.6.24

8.(12) Email from Judge O’Meara chambers, 24.6.24

8.(13)  Email of judgement from Judge O’Meara chambers, 25.6.24

8.(14)  Judgement of Judge Stephen O’Meara, 25.6.24 — Thorpe v Prothonotary & Anor [2024] VSC 360

also online at

8.(15) Orders of Judge O’Meara, 25.6.24

8. 16) Application for leave to appeal against decision of Judge O’Meara, filed Friday 2 August 2024..


9.  New Case Request– eFile ID 407406, 5.08pm 5.5.24– pending review by Court.

(i) Screenshots of File 407406, 5.08pm 5.5.24

(2) Email receipt from Court– New Case Request 407406, 5.08pm 5.5.24

(3) Originating Motion for judicial review of Ratcliff Refusal #6  [see 8f. above],– Aunty Alma Thorpe, Uncle Robbie Thorpe v Prothonotary Rod Ratcliff and Attorney-General Jaclyn Symes, 5.5.24

(4) Affidavit in support, Uncle Robbie Thorpe, affirmed 5.5.24 at Richmond Police Station before Sgt Curtis 34501.

(5) Prothonotary staff mark “reviewing” on New Case Request 407406

(6) Filing Note on 412230 12.43pm 24.5.24– resubmitting above case after waiting three weeks of “reviewing” of above case.

(7) Email confirming lodgement 412230 pending, 24.5.24

(8) Email to Judge Richards, 30.5.24

(9) Email to Listings, 30.5.24

(10) Email from Prothonotary, 3.6.24

(11) Email to Prothonotary, 4.6.24

(12) Email from Judge O’Meara chambers, 24.6.24

(13) Email of judgement from Judge O’Meara chambers, 25.6.24

(14) Judgement of Judge Stephen O’Meara, 25.6.24 — Thorpe v Prothonotary & Anor [2024] VSC 360

also online at

(15) Orders of Judge O’Meara, 25.6.24

(16) Application for leave to appeal against decision of Judge O’Meara, filed Friday 2 August 2024