On Monday 30 October Robert Thorpe made a Public Interest Disclosure PID to the independent broad-based anti-corruption commission IBAC of the State of Victoria.
2. Email of PID to IBA Commissioner Farrow cc Key Integrity Bodies etc, 1.47pm, Monday 30.10.23.
3. Email auto-receipt-confirmation from IBAC, 1.48pm, 30.10 23
4b. Email from IOC Chair Read, 7.18pm 1.11.23
5a. Email auto-reply from Ombudsman, 1.48pm 30.10.23
5b. Email to Ombudsman current email address, 2pm, 30.10.23
5c. Email auto-reply from Ombudsman, 2.01pm 30.10.23
5d. Email from Ombudsman Complaint C:23:22974, 11.11am 2.11.23
6. Email auto-reply from Hutchins, 1.48pm 30.10.23
7. Email to de Vietri, 1.49pm 30.10.23
8. Email auto-reply from de Vietri, 1.50pm 30.10.23
9. Email auto-reply from Yoorrook Justice Commission, 11.06 am, 31.10.23
10. PID 2–Letter to ICC and UN Member States, request to IBAC Farrow and Baragwanath- 1.11.23
11. Email of PID 2 to Farrow and Baragwanath, 3pm, 1.11.23
12. Email auto-receipt of PID 2 from Farrow & Baragwanath, 3.01pm, 1.11.24
13. IBAC Acknowledgement of Complaint – CASE-20237035, 3.11.23