GENOCIDE COMPLICITY CASE Robbie Thorpe v Mark Dreyfus, Stephen Donaghue, Commonwealth of Australia.



On Monday 6 November 2023 there was a secret ceremony at the High Court for the new Chief Justice to swear the oath of allegiance to the Sovereign First Peoples of “Australia”… er, no, rewind…to swear the oath of allegiance to some foreign imposter and pretender and genocidist calling himself “King Charles III of Australia” … to an audience of a record number of judges past and present from across Australia including many by videolink.

While the mutual-backslapping invitation-only ceremony was going on up in the main courtroom, Robbie Thorpe was down in the (virtual) court registry trying to lodge (by email) a new case seeking declaratory orders that:

1. First Peoples have never ceded Their Sovereignty and have never consented to the jurisdiction over Them claimed by Commonwealth of Australia.

2. The sole basis for the jurisdiction claimed by Commonwealth of Australia over First Peoples is genocide against First Peoples.

3. The International Criminal Court now has jurisdiction to investigate and prosecute genocidists in Commonwealth of Australia.

4. The denial of First Peoples’ Sovereignty is clear proof of the objective fact that accused genocidists possessed the relevant criminal intent to destroy First Peoples.


If the Court refused to make those orders, Robbie’s fallback position was to seek orders that:

1. Attorney-General of Commonwealth of Australia, MARK DREYFUS, must investigate the genocide of First Peoples and assess the evidence for genocide prosecutions.

2. The Criminal Code sections stipulating that only the Attorney-General can prosecute genocidists are invalid and unconstitutional.


Registry refused to accept the case and Robbie made a detailed complaint to the Racial Discrimination Commissioner (with the many relevant documents attached) and then included that complaint in an administrative application to the Chief Justice to overrule the Registrars and order his case be filed and issued– except it seems the Registrars refused to let the Chief Justice hear the application.

Robbie has proposed to the judicial officers and the Law Reform Commission and the Attorney-General etc that there be a new Rule added whereby self-represented persons may make such an application to file and issue if registry blocks the case.

Robbie is making a formal complaint to the Chief Justice and a further complaint to the Racial Discrimination Commissioner.




1. Corruption Report of Robert Thorpe to National Anti-Corruption Commissioners BRERETON, ROSE, GAUNTLETT, HINCHCLIFFE and CEO REED, 9am, 6 November 2023.


2. ROBERT THORPE, plaintiff v MARK DREYFUS Attorney-General of Commonwealth of Australia, first defendant, STEPHEN DONAGHUE Solicitor-General of Commonwealth of Australia, second defendant, COMMONWEALTH OF AUSTRALIA, third defendant– High Court of Australia (HCA)– Application for a constitutional writ, with supporting affidavit of Robert Thorpe, 10am 6.11.23

2b. Email of Application and Affidavit to Registry HCA, 9.55am 6.11.23


3. Swearing-in Ceremony for new Chief Justice Gageler of High Court, 10.10am-11.03am, 6.11.23


4. Email from HCA Registry rejecting lodgement by email, 1pm, 6.11.23


5. Electronic Lodgement in HCA website on 6.11.23 of same documents as emailed to Registry at 9.55am same day–see 2. above–Robert Thorpe v Mark Dreyfus, Stephen Donaghue, Commonwealth of Australia —

NOTE: The scan quality on documents (i) and (ii) is terrible– the documents are identical to those above at 2. which have much better scan quality (one of the reasons why they were emailed to registry instead of digital lodgement on High Court website portal– long story, but anyhow same original documents).

(i) Application of Robert Thorpe for a constitutional or other writ, 6.11.23

(ii) Affidavit of Robert Thorpe, 6.11.23

(iii)  Fee Waiver form and health card, Robbbie Thorpe


6. Rejection email from Deputy Registrar YOUNG, 12.40pm 7.11.23 

7. RT email to Young asking if Young is refusing to issue an application seeking such orders and foreshadowing administrative hearing before Chief Justice, 1,15pm, 10.11.23


8. Complaint of Robert Thorpe to Racial Discrimination Commissioner CROUCHER with Two Attachments,12.11.23

8b. Index of ATTACHMENT ONE- High Court Registry key documents 6.10.23 to 10.11.23– and ATTACHMENT TWO–Yoorrook Royal Commission evidence of Robert Thorpe,12.11.23

8c. Attachments– files on google drive

Attachment One, pages 1-100, PDF 2

Attachment One, pages 101-200, PDF 3

Attachment One, pages 201-285, PDF 4

Attachment Two, pages 1-96, PDF 5

Attachment Two, pages 92-217, PDF 6

8d. PDFs lodged about 8pm, 14.11.23


9. “Start a case”– Photos of electronic digital lodgement in High Court website portal at 8pm on Tuesday 14 November 2023 of ex parte application of Robert Thorpe for file and issue together with Robert Thorpe supporting affidavit including Exhibits RT 1 and RT 2 and note in comments box to see memo to Gageler CJ emailed to registry and also Exhibit RT 2.

9b. RT covering email at 8.41pm on 14.11.23 to Gageler CJ, Lynch CEO:PR, Rogers SR & Young DR with PDF file containing RT Memo ex parte summons and affidavit  with Exhibits RT 1 — Racial Discrimination Complaint and numbered PDF sheets of rest– and RT 2– copy of same Memo.

9c. The PDF file, 14.11.23: RT request to Chief Justice GAGELER for an administrative hearing to file and issue proceedings– attached ex parte application with affidavit and Exhibits RT 1– complaint to Racial Discrimination Commissioner CROUCHER, 12.11.23–and RT 2– copy of the very RT request to Chief Justice for an administrative hearing 14.11.23

9d. Email to High Court registry of draft Application Book, 8.30am 15.11.23

9e. d r a f t Application Book of Robert Thorpe, 8.30am, 15.11.23


10. Email from Deputy Registrar Young, 11.57am 15.11.23

11. Email to Senior Registrar ROGERS requesting confirmation and listing, 2.27pm 15.11.23

12. Anonymous Email but presumably from Young (or authorised by SR Rogers?) with subject line rejecting ex parte Thorpe documents lodgement, 3.14pm 15.11.23

13a. Email with Erratum pdf to Gageler etc, 11.47am 17.11.23

13b. Erratum – Correction of page numbers in document 17.11.23

14a. Email from SR Rogers, 4.56pm, 23.11.23

14b. Misrepresentations by registrars Rogers and Young– complaint to chief justice Gageler, 10.12.23


15. Proposal of Robbie Thorpe to Rules Of Court committee for new rule, 29.11.23

15b. Email request to Law Council to forward to Indigenous Legal Issues committee, 1.11pm 29.11.23

15c. Email 6 to LCA re ILI ctee, 9.41am 30.11.23

15d. How hard is it to email Law Council of Australia’s Indigenous Legal Issues committee and chair?, 30.11.23

15e. Email from anonymous, Law Council of Australia, 3.39pm 4.12.23

15f. Email of RT to Australian Institute of Judicial Administration Presidents, Indigenous Justice ctee and ICCE, 1.39pm 1.12.23

15g. Auto receipt from AIJA, 1.39pm, 1.12.23

15h. Email from RT on 6.12.23 to Law Reform Commissioners forwarding New Rule email 29.11.23


16. Email request of RT to RDC Croucher to confirm receipt of documents, 29.11.23

16b.  Email confirmation from AHRC of receipt and assessing, 29.11.23

16c. Email from RT to AHRC Investigation Service re receipt of Evidence 5 and Evidence 6, 9.34am 30.11.23

16d. Email from AHRC Investigation Service confirming receipt of Evidence 5 and 6, 9.47am 30.11.23

16e. Email from Andrew, Australian Human Rights Commission, 7.12.23