Case Documentation
This section contains the legal documentation that has been submitted to the relevant courts as part of our process to bring the illegal state of Australia to justice for crimes of genocide against Us and Our Communities.
The aim is to demonstrate that Australia has a clear intention to destroy Us and Our Communities by premeditated acts of Genocide as defined under the Genocide convention such as removing children, causing serious mental harm, removal from lands, imposing conditions of life likely to lead to Our destruction — not to mention killing Us in custody and causing Us to kill ourselves including the obscene epidemic of youth suicide.
We want to provide short term and historical public accountability for lawyers, judges, government decision-makers and all people involved in defending our charges.
The documents are added chronologically from date of lodgement to the court or submission to government officials.
The online dossier will be forwarded by UN Member States to the Prosecutor of the International Criminal Court. It will also be part of the brief for UN Member States to take Australia to the International Court of Justice as well as in their own national courts.
ECOCIDE CASE Marji Thorpe v Chris Bowen, Tanya Plibersek, Penny Wong, Anthony Albanese, Commonwealth of Australia.
CARING FOR COUNTRY. On Monday 20 November 2023 Marji Thorpe lodged an application for an urgent interim injunction ordering relevant Government Ministers to: 1. Notify the UN that Australia wanted to add the crime of ecocide to the crimes that could be prosecuted in...
GENOCIDE COMPLICITY CASE Robbie Thorpe v Mark Dreyfus, Stephen Donaghue, Commonwealth of Australia.
FAIL TO PREVENT GENOCIDE. COMPLICITY IN GENOCIDE. On Monday 6 November 2023 there was a secret ceremony at the High Court for the new Chief Justice to swear the oath of allegiance to the Sovereign First Peoples of "Australia"... er, no, swear the oath of...
INVASION GENOCIDE CASE Robbie Thorpe v Charles Philip Arthur George Windsor.
Nine months have passed since the State of Victoria admitted Our Sovereignty never ceded. The war is over. Our true Sovereignty is restored. And First Peoples are charging the fake sovereign and his Royal Crime Family with Genocide and Ecocide. Relevant documents so...
GENOCIDE THEFT CASE Robbie Thorpe v Stolenwealth of Australia.
YOUR DENIAL OF FIRST PEOPLES SOVEREIGNTY = PROOF OF YOUR INTENT TO DESTROY US = YOU ARE GUILTY OF CRIME OF GENOCIDE. First lodged on Monday 9 October via the website portal of the High Court of Australia, this case claimed that Australia's continuing denial of First...
Case studies of registry rejection of self-represented First Peoples applications in the original jurisdiction of the High Court of Australia, October-November 2023.
Proposal of Robbie Thorpe to Rules Of Court committee for new rule, 29.11.23 Misrepresentations by registrars Rogers and Young-- complaint to chief justice Gageler, 10.12.23...
Coalition calling for a Royal Commission into the conduct of the Registrars and Judicial Officers of the High Court of Australia.
Despite years of discussion papers and submissions there is still no Judicial Commission for complaints about the conduct of High Court Registrars and Justices.The National Anti-Corruption Commission is prevented by its legislation from investigating judicial officers...
Racial Discrimination Complaints about Officers of High Court of Australia.
Robbie Thorpe lodged complaint dated 12 November 2023 with Racial Discrimination Commissioner CROUCHER. 1. Complaint to AHRC President Croucher-- copy to Commissioner Oscar, 12.11.23 1b. Email of complaint to President Croucher, 13.11.23 1c. Email to RDC...
Corruption Report to NACC–systemic genocidal denial of sovereignty of First Peoples.
Corruption Report to National Anti-Corruption Commission-- systemic genocidal denial of sovereignty of First Peoples 1. Corruption Report to Commissioners Brereton, Rose, Hinchcliffe, Gauntlett and CEO Reed, "9am 6.11.23" 2. Email to NACC Inspector Furness requesting...
Victoria’s corruption commission investigates systemic genocidal denial of sovereignty of First Peoples?
On Monday 30 October Robert Thorpe made a Public Interest Disclosure PID to the independent broad-based anti-corruption commission IBAC of the State of Victoria. 1. Public Interest Disclosure PID to Victoria's Independent Broad-Based Anti-Corruption Commission IBAC,...
World Court to rule on Australia’s genocide against First Peoples?
To all UN Member States: Request to take Australia to the International Court of Justice for Failing to Stop and Prevent Genocide against First Peoples. 1. 25 years ago, the High Court dismissed case seeking an advisory opinion from ICJ. 2. Registry of High Court of...
Windsor genocide prosecution in International Criminal Court?
DRAFT Communication to Office of the Prosecutor, International Criminal Court: Ongoing Genocide against Us First Peoples by Officials of genocidal "State of Victoria" and "Commonwealth of Australia". 1. Twenty years ago RT notified ICC Prosecutor of genocide by...
New Indigenous Courts going global…
Emerging out of the nationwide crime scene that is "Australia", these new courts start a global network of First Peoples justice. Sure, they're only interim courts-- until enough First Peoples grant them recognition and authority. But hey, they'll do for now to...
Gavin Moore art– Crime Scene Australia website.
Website graphic by Gavin Moore Kevin Buzzacott by Gavin Moore
Invitation to first ever Big Meeting of all First Peoples at Camp Sovereignty (formerly Government House, Melbourne) commencing 26 January 2024.
Command to Windsor, Allan etc--Resourcing Big Meeting of all First Peoples on 26 Jan 2024 at Camp Sovereignty (formerly Government House, Melbourne), 15.12.23 Statutory declaration of Robert Thorpe on Tuesday 19 December 2023 proving delivery of above...
International Court of Justice hearings on colonial occupation and apartheid, Palestine v Israel, 19-22 February 2024 Hearing on Legal Consequences in Occupied Palestine Territory, 19-22.2.24
International Court of Justice delivers interim orders in Gaza genocide case, 17 Judges, Friday 26 January 2024.
Gaza Genocide Case, International Court of Justice, 26.1.24 See Evidence 13 of Robert Thorpe to Yoorrook Justice Commission, 12.1.24 -- including links to video and transcript of ICJ oral hearings-- pages 11-25--as well as related case in USA.
First hearing of Gaza Genocide Case in USA Federal Court, Judge White, Friday 26 January 2024.
Case details here Watch video of hearing including witness testimony on 26 January 2024, Juge White, here: Watch video of hearing and witnesses before Judge White on 26...
Complete copy of new US District Court case filed on Monday 13 November 2023 against President Biden and Secretary Blinken– failing to prevent genocide, complicity in genocide.
The lawsuit seeks declaratory orders and injunctions. The court is asked to declare that Biden and Blinken have failed to prevent genocide (CLAIM I: VIOLATION OF THE DUTY TO PREVENT GENOCIDE pages 79-81) and are accomplices in genocide (CLAIM II: COMPLICITY IN...